twitch notifications
The bot handles a list of streamers that is stored in its database and notifies the server when that streamer comes online. It also displays useful information on the livestream in its notification as embedded content.
Setup custom votes on which the users can vote using various emoji reactions. Customize the delay before the results are compiled and the threshold of results required.
reaction triggers
Easily setup actions that will be triggered when users react to specific messages in the server. This is useful mainly for dynamically assigning roles when users first join the server.
dice roller & rpg attributes
A simple to use dice roller. Use common syntax to add modifiers to your rolls like kh1 and kl1 to keep the highest or lowest roll of your set. The dice roller is also compatible with the RPG attributes that can be assigned to each user on the server. A user can add its own attribute to a roll by specifying one of str, dex, con, int, wis or cha in the roll syntax.